Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Canada - CBC anti-Americanism

Broadcaster Magazine reports on a study of Canada's Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that finds the broadcaster guilty of spreading anti-Americanism.

You can read the numbers but here is the conclusion.

In total, despite the relative short period of time atter the 9/11 attacks, the CBC's opinion statements of America during 2002 were overwhelmingly critical of American policy, American actions, and American purposes.

"CBC has certainly claimed an important agenda-setting role for itself. To the extent it deserves the reputation it covets, the corporation is at least partly responsible for enhancing and sustaining anti-Americanism in Canada following the 2001 terrorist attacks. CBC, in short, helped turn the joint outrage of Canada and the United States at the terrorists into mistrust and animosity between the two neighbours," Cooper concluded.


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Brain Bliss