Friday, July 01, 2005

America - Founding Fathers "Terrorists"

That's according to MSNBC's Brian Williams. Michelle Malkin has the story with lots of links to the blogsphere's reaction including a video link.

Michael Moore equates the terrorists in Iraq to our Minutemen, Sen. Durbin equates our troops to Nazis and now Williams equates our founding fathers to terrorists.

Here is what Williams had to say.

It is a story that will be at or near the top of our broadcast and certainly made for a robust debate in our afternoon editorial meeting, when several of us raised the point (I'll leave it to others to decide germaneness) that several U.S. presidents were at minimum revolutionaries, and probably were considered terrorists of their time by the Crown in England.

Really? I don't remember reading about any beheadings in my history studies. Can Williams point to us to any recorded history where the founding fathers either killed or had killed, innocent men, women, children and civilians? Whenever British troops surrendered, their officers were treated like officers, their men cared for and repatriated back to Britain. Today's terrorists seem to have missed out on the manners classes.

And America was founded on freedom for all religions and not with the intent of imposing one religion on all, as is the case with Islam.

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Brain Bliss