The mosque has a long history with Muslim terrorists.
AK-47 training held at London mosque
Bio-chem suits found in London mosque
And let's not forget Hamza, Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui's connection to the mosque.
The former head of Scotland Yard, Sir John Stevens, says:
"But essentially, sadly, this will almost certainly [have] been a homegrown operation."
He said that 3,000 'British-born or British-based' people have passed through Al Qaeda training camps over the last decade.
Now the Times (UK) reports:
The Times understands that the country’s biggest manhunt is focusing on evidence being gathered from King’s Cross station, which all three of the bombed Tube trains passed through on Thursday morning.
A re-examination of the timings of the explosions has revealed that the Underground bombs exploded within seconds of one another at 8.50am.
Investigators believe that the bombers assembled at the huge station, with its many rail connections, before dispersing to plant their devices around the Tube network.
But did they? Could they have assembled at Finsbury Park Mosque first, traveled to Kings Cross Station and dispersed from there?
This map of the rail system shows a direct link between Finsbury Park and Kings Cross Station. Note Kings Cross is at the bottom left and Finsbury Park is at an angle towards the top center and marked in blue.

Tentative at best a know, but worth looking into.
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