Sunday, July 10, 2005

Britain - "Face up to the truth "

A message to the left from of all places The Observer. A must read.


All kinds of hypocrisy remained unchallenged. In my world of liberal London, social success at the dinner table belonged to the man who could simultaneously maintain that we've got it coming but that nothing was going to come; that indiscriminate murder would be Tony Blair's fault but there wouldn't be indiscriminate murder because 'the threat' was a phantom menace invented by Blair to scare the cowed electorate into supporting him.

I'd say the 'power of nightmares' side of that oxymoronic argument is too bloodied to be worth discussing this weekend and it's better to stick with the wider delusion.

And be sure to read Mark Steyn in the Telegraph.

And this wake up call to Britain.

Now, if you're awake, read Islam's War Plan.

Wake up Britain. Stop blaming Bush and Blair and point the finger where it belongs - at Islam. The truth is staring you in the face.

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Brain Bliss