Sunday, July 10, 2005

Britain - How Did We Get Here?

Those who read my blog regularly already know.

After the 9/11 attacks on America, her critics tore he apart for "allowing" the attacks to happen. It was a painful time for all for there were legitimate questions and yes, failures. The evidence and the clues were right there in front of us.

But the investigations needed to be done and done fast if we were to prevent another attack.

There are those who would say now is not the time for Britain to go through the same process. They would argue that we need a time for mourning and to bury the dead.

But time is not on our side. The terrorits know that, by itself, the attack on London will not achieve their goals. Tony Blair's statements and the results of a poll taken immediately after the attacks proves the attack backfired.

But they will be encouraged by the words from the left like the loathsome George Galloway and the communist LED anti-war movement. See here and here. I put LED in all caps because for some strange reason the leftist trolls who visit here seem to miss the point. And ignore the evidence I might add.

While those who call for waiting and a time of mourning, Galloway and the communist led anti-war movement wasted no time in hijacking the mourning of London's attack. In a disgusting display of insensitivity and in a sign of whose side they are on, Galloway champions the terrorist cause.

"And we need to pressure the government to change its policy. If we hadn't had the war in Iraq this would never have happened."

When you hear some leftoid utter this nonsense, ask them to explain all the Muslim terrorist attacks that killed thousands reaching back decades before Iraq and Afghanistan. Be sure and read the comments to that post as the Sun did not report on many more attacks.

This is not the first attempt and it will not be the last.

Stevens said last night at least eight attacks aimed at civilian targets on the British mainland had been foiled in the past five years and that none had been planned by the same gang.

This is a war like no other we have ever seen. For far too long Britain has been too tolerant of the enemy within as this Washington Post and New York Times articles point out. And something I have been warning about for almost two years now.

This is not an attack on Britain by me. It is a sad fact they we all must face up to. And the sooner the better.

Here, as in America, the evidence and the clues were staring us right in the face. We must face the fact that we are at war with Islam. When I say that I am attacked by the left and even some on the right who say these attacks are the work of a few extremists. But look at the facts.

The moderate voice of Muslims in America is led by terrorist front group CAIR. It's counter part in Britain is The Muslim Council of Britain.

Sir Ibrahim Hooper and Lord Salam Al-Marayati? Thoughts on the Muslim Council of Britain Well, they live in the wrong country to receive such accolades, and much they must rue it, for their British counterpart, Iqbal Sacranie, was knighted today, in the Queen's Birthday Honours. As secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (on which, see Chris Blackburn's analysis, "The Dark Side of the Muslim Council of Britain"), Sacranie has been one of the most important advocates of radical Islam in the United Kingdom – so what could be more appropriate than to reward him with a hoary English title?

The comparison with Hooper is not a stretch, for the MCB and CAIR work together; Beila Rabinowitz of has even called the MCB "a carbon copy of CAIR."

Among Sacranie's actions: calling for censorship of religious speech, trying to change the plot of the action series 24, boycotting Holocaust Remembrance ceremonies, denying the existence of Islamic terrorists, interpreting the Bush administration's true agenda as the "recolonization and the re-mapping of the Middle East," and accusing Israel of genocide.

Have you ever seen Muslims marching against terrorism, carrying pictures of bin Laden or any of the other terrorists leaders, condenming them by name and calling them non-Muslims? No. Here is what you do see.


No it f***ing won't!

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Brain Bliss