Sunday, July 17, 2005

Britain - Police snipers track al-Qaeda

Seems Britain isn't going to wait to enact tougher anti-terrorism laws before taking down suspected terrorists.

UNDERCOVER police sniper squads are tracking as many as a dozen Al-Qaeda suspects because security services fear they could be planning more suicide attacks, writes David Leppard.

The covert armed units are under orders to shoot to kill if surveillance suggests that a terror suspect is carrying a bomb and he refuses to surrender if challenged.

The deployment of the teams in the past week signals the huge “intelligence gap” that has opened up since the London bombings.

Police fear the suspects could be planning a further wave of attacks but do not have enough evidence to arrest them, or place them under the government’s new anti-terror control orders.

But they have enough "evidence" to shoot them? I'm all for taking down the bad guys as hard and fast as possible. But if the government doesn't have enough evidence under current law to arrest, convict or place them under control, then the law needs to be changed.

Ooops. My bad. They already tried that and the peaceniks went nuts and had the laws watered down.

Ok, ok. how about this then, we don't shoot them, we ship them off somewhere where they will give us the intelligence on their network. Somewhere where they can't do anybody any harm ever again. Somewhere that houses, feeds, clothes and sees to their every need including the Koran. I know! Guantanamo!

Of course if you'd rather they be shot...

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Brain Bliss