Saturday, July 16, 2005

Britain - The Problem With Islam

The New York Times article has this headline:

Anger Burns on the Fringe of Britain's Muslims

It's high time anger burned at the center of Britain's indigenous population.

Speaking of London's terrorists, their friends had this to say:

"He was sick of it all, all the injustice and the way the world is going about it," Mr. Dutt, 22, said. "Why, for example, don't they ever take a moment of silence for all the Iraqi kids who die?"

Would that be the Iraqi kids that British Muslims are murdering.

ABOUT 70 young Muslim men have left Britain to join the insurgents who are fighting coalition troops in Iraq, senior security sources have revealed.

At least three have been killed in combat, including one whose role in an Iraq suicide bombing in February was disclosed by police only last week.

"It's a double standard, that's why," answered a friend, who called himself Shahroukh, also 22, wearing a baseball cap and basketball jersey, sitting nearby. "I don't approve of what he did, but I understand it. You get driven to something like this, it doesn't just happen."

It's a double Muslim standard that's for sure.

And driven by what? Islam, that's what.

The bombers are an exception among Britain's 1.6 million Muslims. But their actions have highlighted a lingering question: why are second-generation British Muslims who should seemingly be farther up the road of assimilation rejecting the country in which they were born and raised?

Because their parents and Islam tell them too, that's why.

They say they are weary of liberal Muslim leaders and British politicians who promise changes. They see them backing policies against the Muslim world in general, from Iraq to the Middle East to Afghanistan, and promising relief from economic distress and discrimination. Still, Britain's Muslims have languished near the bottom of society since their influx here in the 1950's.

British Muslims, aided by the lying liberal media, want you to forget that the first bombing of the world trade center in 1993, the embassy bombings and 9/11 all came long before Afghanistan and Iraq. Muslims started their offensive war against the west long before we fought back.

How many times do we have to prove that terrorism has nothing to do with poverty. Muslim terrorists are well educated, financially sound and come from good homes. See here and here.

And whose fault is it that Muslims in Britain do not fit in.

"...only 33 percent of Muslims said they wanted more integration into mainstream British culture."

They don't want to fit in because they want to take over. Don't believe me? Just listen.

Both men, eloquent, better educated and better off than most in their community, are also among the more politically motivated. They have embraced one of the more conservative, if not militant, Islamic movements in Britain today - Hizb ut-Tahrir, or Party of Liberation.

The party's stated goal is to rebuild the Caliphate - the Muslim state dissolved with the fall of the Ottoman Empire - to displace corrupt dictators in the Muslim world, and to instill Islamic mores and Islamicize almost every aspect of daily life.

The group has drawn about 10,000 members to its recent annual meetings, its members say, and includes chapters abroad in places like Uzbekistan. It is a controversial movement, even among British Muslims, and its members have become emblematic of the shift of Muslims born in Britain to more conservative and outspoken expressions of their faith.

In interviews earlier this week in Birmingham, where they were born and bred, Dr. Waheed and Mr. Khan described the group's struggle as one for the very identity of Muslims in Britain.

"For our parents, the attention was focused on getting a job and building a life here," Mr. Khan said. "My generation had to go through more of a thinking process to discover who we are, our Islamic identity."

And here is how they plan to subjugate Britain.

The group - also known as the Islamic Party of Liberation - believes it can achieve its utopian Islamic state in three steps. The first involves educating Muslims about its philosophies and goals. In the second step, the Muslims would then spread these views among others in their countries, especially members of government, the military and other power centers. In the third and final step, Hizb ut-Tahrir believes its faithful will cause secular governments to crumble because loyalties will then lie solely with Islam - not nationalities, politics or ethnic identifications. At that point the group says a supreme Islamic leader, a Caliph like those of past centuries would rule all Muslims with both political and religious authority.

"I know what people don't understand - it's how terrorists could have been born in this country," Shahroukh said. "But my point is, why not?"

They wouldn't have been if it weren't for Islam.

"We know that the killing of innocents is forbidden," Dr. Waheed said. "But we don't see two classes of blood; the blood of Iraqis is just as important to us as English blood." He emphasized that they in no way condoned the bombings. "But when you understand things from that perspective, why should we condemn the bombing?"

Then why are British Muslims killing so many innocent Iraqis then?

See here for more on the threat posed by Hizb ut-Tahrir.

None of this would be happening if Islam did not exist.

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Brain Bliss