Friday, July 15, 2005

Islam - What Motivates Terrorists?

The Times (UK) reports on what motivates someone to become a suicide bomber.

What I found the most interesting though, was the article explodes two myths promoted by the media.

First, the article proves the Palestinians are not interested in peace with Israel.

I asked him when, and why, he had decided to volunteer for martyrdom. “In the spring of 1993, I began to pester our military leaders to let me do an operation,” he said. “It was around the time of the Oslo accords, and it was quiet, too quiet. I wanted to do an operation that would incite others to do the same. Finally, I was given the green light to leave Gaza for an operation inside Israel.”

You see? Whenever there is any progress on peace in the Middle East, the Palestinians increase their terror attacks. They don't want peace they want the destruction of Israel and the Jews.

That's not just me saying that. Muslims themselves say that.

The Muslims surveyed had mixed views on Christians, and anti-Jewish sentiment was "endemic," the survey reported.

Second, the article proves that poverty is not the root cause of terrorism.

None of the suicide bombers — they ranged in age from 18 to 38 — conformed to the typical profile of the suicidal personality. None of them was uneducated, desperately poor, simple-minded, or depressed. Many were middle-class and held paying jobs. Two were the sons of millionaires. They all seemed entirely normal members of their families. They were polite and serious, and in their communities were considered to be model youths. Most were bearded. All were deeply religious.

And their religion would be Islam - the true cause of terrorism.

Again, that's not just me saying that, read on.

I was told that to be accepted for a suicide mission the volunteers had to be convinced of the religious legitimacy of the acts they were contemplating, as sanctioned by the divinely revealed religion of Islam. Many of these young men had memorised large sections of the Koran and were well versed in the finer points of Islamic law and practice. But their knowledge of Christianity was rooted in the medieval crusades, and they regarded Judaism and Zionism as synonymous.

Terrorism will not end until Islam is reformed.

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Brain Bliss