Friday, November 25, 2005

America - "Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild"

I would have made the titile gone mad.

David Limbaugh reviews Michelle's new book.

Even with the mountains of evidence and the liberals' self-confessed anti-Bush obsession, it would still be difficult to paint the entirety of the American Left as a few bricks shy of a load. But, as Michelle points out, we're not just talking about a couple hundred mouth-foaming radicals on the Internet. "The scariest part is, these Internet crazies aren't just riding along in the Democrat bus – they're driving it."


On one level "Unhinged" is amusing, because it cites case after case of literally unbelievable episodes. But on a far more important level it is quite disturbing because these are not vignettes from Mad magazine, but real-life reports of a movement that has delivered to the inmates the keys to the asylum.

You can buy Michelle's book here:

Thankfully, bloggers are here to expose the Democrats and their supporting lying liberal media.

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Brain Bliss