Sunday, November 20, 2005

Australia - They Lie About Iraq There Too

Here's one example.

In the leadup to the Iraq war, we were repeatedly told that anyone who disagreed with the rush to war, or criticised the Bush Administration, was “anti-American”. It now appears that the majority of Americans are anti-American. A string of polls has shown that most Americans now realise that Bush and his Administration lied to get them into the war and that it was a mistake to go to war.

Well gee, John, if you were "repeatedly told" you would think you could supply at least one link to when and who told you that. No?

Ok, then how about some proof that Bush lied? No?

Right then, I'll give you a link to multiple links, including video, that might help, erm, refresh your memory. Read this John and apologize to your readers.

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Brain Bliss