Thursday, January 19, 2006

Iran - Clinton says multi-national approach wrong

Excuse me while I clean the coffee off my screen. I lost it when I read Hillary Clinton's words.

In an address Wednesday evening at Princeton University, Clinton, D-N.Y., said it was a mistake for the U.S. to have Britain, France and Germany head up nuclear talks with Iran over the past 2 1/2 years. Last week, Iran resumed nuclear research in a move Tehran claims is for energy, not weapons.

You can't make this stuff up. These are the same Democrats that attack Bush for not involving Europe and the UN in dealing with world problems and of being unilaterlist.

As usual, what's missing from Clinton's attack? An alternative approach.

As Daniel Drezner points out...

The approach the Bush administration has pursued towards Iran -- multilateralism, private and public diplomacy, occasionally deferring to allies -- is besotted with the very tropes that liberals like to see in their American foreign policy. I'm still not sure what the end game will be with regard to Iran, but to date I can't see how a Kerry administration would have played its cards any differently than the Bush team.

Are the Democrats advocating war on Iran?

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Brain Bliss