Thursday, January 12, 2006

Norway joins Denmark in standing up to Muslims

Good for both of them.

The editorial states that Muslims and Western liberals always talk of needing a "bridge of understanding" between the Muslim and Western worlds, and points out that the same culture of "freedom of expression" which produces the cartoons which so many Muslims hate, also protects Muslims' right to protest about the issue.

Is the Islamic world ready to meet the West in the middle? Unfortunately, Muslims barely have one foot on that bridge. Egypt demonstrated as much when it issued a statement that said its government "respects freedom of opinion and expression" -- as long as those opinions and expressions don't offend Muslims.

The Danes deserve the Western world's thanks for defending free speech. We can best show our gratitude by following their example.

Meanwhile, Britain marches in the opposite direction.

Here in the UK the police are afraid to arrest Muslims and if the police do get the nerve to search a Muslim's home, they must first take off their shoes, not use sniffer dogs or mount early morning raids.

Is this any way to fight the war on terror?

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Brain Bliss