Saturday, April 08, 2006

UK - Left's "unholy alliance" with Islam

David of Harry's Place has a good take on this unholy alliance at the Guardian.

Basically, he says that the Left are using the Islamists to further their own agenda, regardless of the fact that the Left wind up supporting Islam's intolerance of other religions, gays, thier abuse of women and suppresion of free speech. Which is why the Left are silent on Islam's abuses.

Read the whole thing but here's the conclusion.

There are three things which worry me about the Socialist Workers' party's approach: and indeed the position of those parts of the left which seek to pursue a similar strategy. The first is that parts of the left have been forced into an absurd and overblown defence of the Islamist politics which they should be criticising, and to which they should be providing an alternative. The second is that the alliance with Islamist politics has resulted in the acceptance of the essentialist religious categories that both racists and Islamists seek to force upon Muslims. As Amartya Sen points out:

"To focus just on the grand religious classification is not only to miss other significant concerns and ideas that move people. It also has the effect of generally magnifying the voice of religious authority.

Thirdly, and most importantly, the romance between the left and Islamist politics is bound to come to an end, sooner or later. When it does, how quickly will love turn to hate?

I'd say most importantly, who will win? That's the really big question.

The Left, along with the Communist led anti-war movement and the lying left wing media, have all joined forces with the Islamists. Together they hope to defeat the Right. In their blind ambition for power they have abondoned all the freedoms we hold dear - freedom of religion, freedom of speech and women's freedoms. Not to mention freedom of sexual orientation.

This is why you never hear the Left speak out against Muslim abuses. This is why the Left attack those on the Right who do speak out against Muslim abuses. The Left simply do not care so long as they can use Islam to further their agenda.

The Left even defend Iran's goal of having nuclear weapons, simply because the Right oppose it. Totally blind to the obvious that a nuclear equipped Muslim madman is not the same as a nuclear equipped Communist. The latter is aware of mutual destruction, the former doesn't care.

The Left's mouthpiece, the lying left wing media, are equally blinded by their hate of the Right. They simply do not care about the truth and regularly lie and fabricate stories.

There you have it. The Left, Communist and Islamic axis of evil, aided and abetted by the lying left wing media.

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the defeat of Communisim, the Left needed a new partner to try and take over the world. In choosing to side with Islamist, the Left and the media, have sealed their own doom. Let's hope they don't take us with them.

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Brain Bliss