Tuesday, June 20, 2006

US - PR Week helps Kennedy dig faster

Despite the debunking of Kennedy's ludicrus cliam that Republicans stole the last Presidential election via voter fraud in Ohio, PR Week continues to schill for him.

Take this for example:

PRWeek: Why didn't the Democrats themselves pursue this?

Kennedy: Well, there was a lot of complaining; there were a lot of lawsuits. But it got very little traction in the media. But you know, the Democrats on this issue have been abysmal as well.

Just as Kennedy left out of his article, so too PR Week fails to mention the Democrats own investigation which concluded:

"Somehow he never gets around to quoting the DNC investigative team’s conclusion that ‘The statistical study of precinct-level data does not suggest the occurrence of widespread fraud that systemically misallocated votes from Kerry to Bush.”

And this:

The newspaper also notes: "Kennedy saw conspiracy in a Franklin County foul-up that resulted in far too few voting machines at a polling place in a heavily black area that would presumably vote mainly for Kerry.

"But he didn’t tell his readers that the chairman of the Franklin County elections board, who oversaw the county’s voting machine allocation, was a black man who also chairs the county Democratic Party. Not a likely candidate to steal votes for Bush.”

Not only is Kennedy in a hole and still digging, PR Week has jumped in with a shovel to help.

All of which helps explain why major media didn't cover this non story.

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Brain Bliss