Sunday, August 20, 2006

UK - Suicide of the West

I only have one slight disagreement with Melanie. It's the Left who are committing suicide and trying to take the rest of us with them.

In order for the Left to survive they have to have a victim; that's what the left is all about - defending a victim. With the collapse of communisim the left lost a lot of its power and needed a new partner.

In the ultimate act of suicide the Left teamed up with Islam - Muslims became the new victim. In order to do that, the Left had to drop some of its previous victims. Out went women's and gay's rights - those rights don't exist in Islam. Out went free speech - Islam forbids it. Lastly, all other religions had to go - Islam forbids them.

In order to have a victim you have to have an oppressor. Since the Left's new victims, Muslims, are opposed to all those rights formerly defended by the Left, the defenders of those rights became the new oppressor - the West.

This is why the Left have turned on the West and democracy. Muslims are their new victims and they will defend them even if it means destroying all of us.

The suicide of the Left. As with any suicide, kill yourself if you must, but I'm not going with you.

It's good to see Melanie single out the BBC for its part in this madness.

Since Muslims whose minds are already bent by the propaganda of lies and hatred against America, Israel and the Jews pouring out of the Muslim world are further subjected by the BBC and other media outlets to daily — even hourly — diatribes about the evil of America, the evil of Israel and the fact that Britain is a patsy of evil America and evil Israel, who can possibly be surprised that untold numbers of impressionable young Muslims sign up to rid the planet of this apparent scourge?

The BBC, whose global influence is equalled only by its culpability, powerfully incites hatred by persistently misrepresenting Israel’s self-defence as unwarranted aggression, and giving air-time to an endless procession of Islamic jihadists, propagandists, anti-Western activists and bigots with rarely even a hint of a challenge.

Here's the proof against the BBC.

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Brain Bliss