Saturday, September 02, 2006

US - The shame of the US media

The Canadian press report what the US media is too ashamed to report.

"Over time, it became clear that almost every detail of Joe Wilson's original story was false. Wilson's appointment was engineered by his wife. The report he filed did not acquit the Iraqis. Wilson had not detected forged documents. Above all: An Iraqi trade mission had in fact sought uranium in Niger in 1998 -- the President had spoken accurately. "

And the US media that hounded the White House remain silent.

Armitage, a former Marine, often questioned the physical courage of civilians who disagreed with him. But after the scandal exploded, and even as his administration colleagues and the President to whom he owed loyalty were exposed to enormous legal jeopardy by his actions, he kept silent to protect himself.

It's a shameful story. But the shame does not fall quite where the media promoters of the story hoped it would. Which may explain why newspapers such as The New York Times and left-wing blogs which once relished every last twist and turn of the saga have suddenly gone as silent about it as Armitage himself.

But those people have no shame. The Left simply does not care about the truth anymore - if they ever did. This is all about power now and how to regain it. Rathergate should have taught you that.

Then Reutersgate, Fauxtography, the ambulance hoax and Reuters jeep hoax. Let's not forget all these media fakes. Or, the king of left wing propaganda - The BBC.

The Left and the left wing media are a threat to our entire civilization.

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Brain Bliss