Wednesday, October 04, 2006

France - Did a Critic of Islam Go Too Far?

Better question, where's the outrage from the intellectuals in the world over this. When van Gogh was murdered by Muslims for making a film critical of Islam, Hollywood remained silent.

Ever the victims, listen to what this Muslim has to say.

Beyond that, Boubakeur deplores what amounts to the further coarsening of relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in Europe. "This helps the radicals on both sides," he says. "The Islamist radicals say, 'See, they're still insulting Islam,' while the anti-Muslim extremists see Islam's propensity for violence confirmed." Boubakeur wants to see more active prosecution of what he calls "acts that provoke religious hatred." The French authorities, meanwhile, are more interested in finding the people who have threatened to kill Redeker.

What Boubakeur wants is to stop people from criticizing Islam and Muslims - the ones terrorizing the world.

via Paul

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