Friday, August 03, 2007

UK - Blind to the jihadist threat

You can thank the BBC for a lot of that blindness.

"However, he became a terror suspect, reportedly transformed into a ruthless activist intent on bringing death and mayhem to Scotland - a country which traditionally thought it was immune to terrorism. "

"ruthless activist" is the BBC's new term for Islamic jihadist. The BBC, as is their want, leave out some very important details. For instance, who "transformed" him? For that answer we turn to the Telegraph. "According to friends and family, Kafeel changed dramatically three years ago after joining the Tablighi Jamaat missionary group. " OK, who are they? A terrorist organization.

"The West's misreading of Tablighi Jamaat actions and motives has serious implications for the war on terrorism. Tablighi Jamaat has always adopted an extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam, but in the past two decades, it has radicalized to the point where it is now a driving force of Islamic extremism and a major recruiting agency for terrorist causes worldwide. For a majority of young Muslim extremists, joining Tablighi Jamaat is the first step on the road to extremism. Perhaps 80 percent of the Islamist extremists in France come from Tablighi ranks, prompting French intelligence officers to call Tablighi Jamaat the "antechamber of fundamentalism."[12] U.S. counterterrorism officials are increasingly adopting the same attitude. "We have a significant presence of Tablighi Jamaat in the United States," the deputy chief of the FBI's international terrorism section said in 2003, "and we have found that Al-Qaeda used them for recruiting now and in the past."

So, what does this have to do with the UK? Tablighi Jamaat is behind London's mega mosque. And, the 7/7 Muslim terrorists are connected to them. "The 7/7 suicide bombers Moham­med Siddique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer attended the European headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat at Dews­bury, West Yorkshire."

Did you catch that last part? Tablighi Jamaat's European headquarters is in Yorkshire.

Wake up Britain, wake up.

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Brain Bliss