Saturday, August 04, 2007

UN - Run by jihadists

The left's favorite institution.

"UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council expressed "grave concern" Friday at reports of arms smuggling to Lebanon, but dropped a direct call to Syria and Iran to enforce a U.N. arms embargo. "

Yeah, that'll really scare them. But if not, this will.

"The council also expressed concern at allegations that Lebanese and other groups and militias are rearming, and voiced "deep concern" about recent statements by Hezbollah "that it retains the military capacity to strike all parts of Israel."

Let's see now, that's a "grave concern", followed by "concern" and topped with a "deep concern". There, that ought to do it.

Not so fast.

"The council watered down that as well to get support from Qatar, its only Arab member. It deleted a reference to Hezbollah's secretary-general and a phrase calling the Hezbollah statement "a blatant violation of Security Council resolutions."

Even though: "...recent statements by Hezbollah "that it retains the military capacity to strike all parts of Israel."

Read the rest for lots more concern and grave concern.

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Brain Bliss