Tuesday, January 15, 2008

US - "the death of Hillary Clinton's close friend Vince Foster"

As I just said, watch for more of these pigeons to come home to roost.

Here are a couple of snippets but read the whole thing.

"One of his first jobs in the White House was to try to make sense of the Clintons' false tax returns concerning the Whitewater land investment. A note in his hand-writing, found much later, warned that Whitewater was "a can of worms you shouldn't open."


"Hillary also insisted she didn't know the "origin of the decision" to remove the employees, and that she "did not direct that any action be taken."

An official report issued seven years later concluded that her statements had been "factually false."

She lied.

And let's not forget that hubby, Bill Clinton was disbarred.

Why does anyone in their right mind want these people back in the White House?

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Brain Bliss