Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Obama admits he is wrong

but wants to accelerate the problems.

"Neither the acceleration nor the jobs goal are new. Both represent a White House repackaging of promises and projects to blunt criticism that the effects haven't been worth the historic price tag. And the job estimate is so murky, it can never be verified.

The economy has shed 1.6 million jobs since the stimulus measure was signed in February, far overshadowing White House announcements estimating the effort has saved 150,000 jobs. Public opinion of Obama's handling of the economy has declined along with the jobs data.

For the first time, the administration admitted the economic forecasts it used to sell the stimulus were overly optimistic."

No kidding. Everyone told them that at the time but Obama refuses to listen. Things will only get worse and we've got 4 more years of this.

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Brain Bliss