Saturday, June 04, 2005

Zimbabwe - U.N.: Human Rights Violated

Reports the Guardian (UK)

Then why is Zimbabwe a member of the U.N. Human Rights Commission?

GENEVA (AP) - The United Nations on Friday urged Zimbabwe's government to halt its campaign of evicting urban poor and demolishing their shacks around the country, calling it a clear violation of human rights.

The Zimbabwe action, which the government calls a cleanup campaign, represents a form of apartheid and must be halted, said Miloon Kothari, a U.N. expert on the right to adequate housing.

``We are seeing in the world, and Zimbabwe is a good example now, the creation of a new kind of apartheid where the rich and the poor are being segregated,'' Kothari told reporters.

Over 200,000 people have already lost their homes and a further 30,000 people have been detained since the government began the crackdown on May 19, he said.

Where is the outrage from the hypocritical left? Oh, that's right they're too busy falling all over themselves in a rage over a few hundred terrorists imprisoned at Gitmo.

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Brain Bliss