Saturday, July 16, 2005

Britain - Bombings: Muslims Speak Out

But listen carefully to what they are saying.

Britain's top Muslims have branded the London suicide bombings "utterly criminal, totally reprehensible, and absolutely un-Islamic".

But not terrorism. That's becasue the leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, says Muslim terrorists don't exist.

'There is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist. This is deeply offensive.

And Sacranie tries to distract you from the real issues and who the real terrorist are.

The statement said everyone must confront the problems of Islamophobia, racism, unemployment, economic depravation and social exclusion.

Islamophobia and racism, ah yes it's all our fault. As for the rest, we know that none of that has anything to do with terrorism as the terrorist are usually well educated, employed and come from good homes. See here and here.

Sacranie goes on blaming us for Muslim terrorism.

"The youth need understanding, not bashing."

It's our fault because we fail to understand Muslim youths and bash them and not Islam's fault for preaching hate.

Sacranie continues:

Of the Muslim stance on suicide bombing, the leaders said: "There can never be any excuse for taking an innocent life.

Ah, but according to the Koran us infidels are not "innocent" and we must be converted to Islam or killed where they find us. If a Muslim is killed while killing the infidels that's ok too.

All Sacranie is doing is paying lip service and seen to be concerned. Nowhere does he call for reforming Islam - the root of terrorism.

Notice the picture of the Muslim woman carrying a sign that says "Islam wants peace"? Muslims playing the victim card again. The sign makes it sound like they are under attack and want peace. How come they never carry signs saying "down with bin Laden" or "stop Muslim terrorists"?

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