Monday, July 11, 2005

Britain - Danger: Denial

The Times (UK) headline read "Danger: complacency". No. The danger is denial. Until this country, and indeed the world, faces up to the fact that we are fighting Islam, we will remain in denial and in danger.

Yet there are tough questions to be asked. For years we have grown complacent about the idea that we could tolerate the presence of extremists in our midst, even those urging the destruction of our way of life, because of our liberal values and love of free speech. Others have seen it differently. Not for nothing is Britain’s capital known as “Londonistan” by overseas intelligence services; a haven for Islamic violence and discontent, a home for radical imams preaching their messages of hate to impressionable young Muslims and spreading their views worldwide via the internet.

One insurgent commander in Iraq claimed last month to have 70 volunteers from Britain fighting alongside him against American forces. Richard Reid, the “shoe bomber”, Saajid Badat, who confessed to a similar plot, and Omar Sheikh, who moved from a privileged educational background in London to become the murderer of Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter. There are countless other examples of British-based terrorists wreaking havoc across the globe.

And Britains finest are still in denial.

When Brian Paddick, the deputy commissioner, says that he would not link the words ‘Islamic’ and ‘terrorism’, you have to wonder from what planet he was beaming his message.

Here Paddick is echoing the words of none other than the leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, recently knighted Sir Iqbal Sacranie, who said:

'There is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist. This is deeply offensive.

Denial is the real danger.

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Brain Bliss