Friday, September 02, 2005

America - Katrina Missing Persons Locators

Michelle has a great round up of missing person locators for the victims of Katrina.

The search for countless other missing persons, however, continues.

The National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NIUSR) has created a new national clearinghouse. Go here.

NowPublic remains one of the central databases.
Another good resource:'s missing persons board.

There is also a missing persons helpline to report lost relatives/loved ones: 225-925-6626.

And Wal-Mart is providing an emergency contact message board for family members trying to get in touch with loved ones. (Hat tip: Kevin Aylward)

Google News search and Technorati search: Missing persons Katrina

***Update: Captain Ed points to KatrinaFinder, another missing persons locator site.

Please help the victims of the Katrina disaster by donating to the Red Cross Katrina relief fund. Their donation page is here.

NZ Bear is keeping track of which blog people contributed through, and if you have the time please stop by there and register your donation.



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Brain Bliss