Monday, June 19, 2006

US - Kennedy's 2004 Voter Theft Theory Debunked

Just like all the other Democrats voter theft "theories".

"In his online footnotes, Kennedy refers no less than a half-dozen times to a five-month-long post-election investigation commissioned by the Democratic National Committee called ‘Democracy at Risk.’

"Somehow he never gets around to quoting the DNC investigative team’s conclusion that ‘The statistical study of precinct-level data does not suggest the occurrence of widespread fraud that systemically misallocated votes from Kerry to Bush.”

The newspaper also notes: "Kennedy saw conspiracy in a Franklin County foul-up that resulted in far too few voting machines at a polling place in a heavily black area that would presumably vote mainly for Kerry.

"But he didn’t tell his readers that the chairman of the Franklin County elections board, who oversaw the county’s voting machine allocation, was a black man who also chairs the county Democratic Party. Not a likely candidate to steal votes for Bush.”

The Plain Dealer isn't the only ones who debunk Kenndey's absurd claims.

And a story by Farhad Manjoo on the Web site – another news source that’s far from conservative – states: "If you do read Kennedy’s article, be prepared to machete your way through numerous errors of interpretations and his deliberate omission of key bits of data.”


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