Monday, July 03, 2006

UK - Guardian schills for terrorists

Here's what the Guardian reports:

One reason for Israel's assault is military. Israel has been desperate to put an end to the homemade rockets launched from northern Gaza at the Israeli town of Sderot, which lies a kilometre from the Gaza strip in the north-west Negev desert. Sderot is Peretz's home town.

These rockets have so far not killed anyone but they are a very considerable irritant.

Here's a list of the dead and injured.

Next the Guardian has this to say:

In response to the rockets, Israeli shelling and air strikes have in recent months killed some 50 Palestinians, including several children, and wounded more than 200.

What the Guardian doesn't tell you is that most of that 50 were Palestinian terrorists. Nor that the terrorists have been launching the attacks from populated areas, in essence using civilians as human shields.

via Biased BBC.

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Brain Bliss