Wednesday, July 12, 2006

US - Novak: Plame's name from "Who's Who in America."

Finally, now we know why no one, including Cheney, Rove and Bush, has ever been indicted for "outing" Plame. According the man at the center of it all, no one "outed" her.

Following my interview with the primary source, I sought out the second administration official and the CIA spokesman for confirmation. I learned Valerie Plame's name from Joe Wilson's entry in "Who's Who in America."

In further proof that Joe Wilsons assertions that the White House was out to get him, note that Novak says it was Novak who "sought out the second administration official and the CIA spokesman for confirmation."

Novak went to them and not the other way around.

And here's more proof it is Joe Wilson who is lying.

I considered his wife's role in initiating Wilson's mission, later confirmed by the Senate Intelligence Committee, to be a previously undisclosed part of an important news story. I reported it on that basis.

Background here and here.

Ed has more.

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Brain Bliss