Tuesday, August 15, 2006

UK - Ending Muslim terrorism: BBC whitewash

That's the only way to describe this BBC report.

Take this for example:

A year on from the July 7 bombings - and days after a massive alleged plot to bring down airliners was foiled - the time for talking was over.

Now those arrested are innocent till proven guilty, but with all the evidence so far, there's no doubt there was a Muslim terror plot to bring down those airliners.

The BBC get this next part right but as usual leave out the most important details.

Firstly, that government, in speaking to a broader group, recognises it has not always sat down with the right people.

The BBC has never told you about the radical people Blair has been speaking to. Search my blog for MAB and MCB and you'll see the terror connection to what the BBC and the government call "moderate Muslim voices".

The BBC also never tell you about London's mayor, red Ken Livingstone's, radical Muslim friends.

Next, it's time to shift the blame for Muslim terrorism, from Muslims back onto us.

Secondly Muslim leaders are returning to Whitehall saying that a year on from initial talks they cannot do this alone and government must step up its work.

The BBC engaged in some of this blame shifting yesterday.

The BBC goes on to say Muslims leaders are confused as to where Muslim terrorism comes from and how to combat it. You see? They're the victims in all of this. What the BBC doesn't tell you is that Islam teaches hate in schools and mosques.

Then the BBC tout the government's Imam roadshow.

The proposed road show of leading modern Islamic thinkers has been well received but some see it as only preaching to the converted.

Here again the BBC leave out the most important details - the radicals in the roadshow. Oh, yeah, they were preaching to the converted allright.

Next up is the Islam has been hijacked by a few outside militants argument - more blame shifting.

"The threat is still external [extremists coming to the UK to recruit] and these people are not close to mainstream communities. But they have influence on young people who are alienated from our society. It's probably a growing number and that is what worries us.

But as the link above proves, Muslims are taught hate and intolerance at home, school and in the mosque. Here are some videos of Muslims preaching hate to children and in the mosque. There's also some videos of the "moderate" voices the government has been listening to.

Be sure and read the London Times undercover investigation "Undercover on planet Beeston". Search my blog for mosque for more undercover investiations in mosques which reveal the hate being preached.

One lesson that has not been learned by all those involved so far, including the BBC, is that the blame shifting has to stop. Lord Stevens nailed the problem when he said "IF YOU'RE A MUSLIM - IT'S YOUR PROBLEM".

Stop the blame shifting and portraying Muslims as the victims. Until the world makes Muslims own the problem it will never be solved. But as you can see from this, that is not happening and it's our fault.

"The communities have a responsibility [to combat extremism] but the tools, mechanisms and drivers need to come from government," said Dr Abbas.

"There is a feeling that nothing from the extremism taskforce has been done, other than those things which have been done by the communities themselves.

Nope. Nothing can be acomplished until Islam is reformed and no one is talking about that.

But the blame shifting continues.

Home Secretary John Reid reacted angrily to the open letter from some Muslim leaders over the weekend calling for a rethink on foreign policy.

Just John Reid, BBC? A great many felt that way. Be sure and read these comments, note the number of people who recommened the comment and where they live. And I just posted a few of their comments. There were pages and pages of similar sentiments. It's quite obvious to most, except the BBC, that people are fed up with the blame shifting and victimization and want Muslims to own their problem.

But the BBC isn't and ends up with Britain's foreign policy is the root of all evil.

"You have young people who perceive that our foreign policy is a war against a religion. Anybody knows that if you try to fight a religion it will only get stronger."

Now where did they get that idea? In the mosque, school and home - taught by Muslims to Muslims.

He's right about the last sentence. The more Islam fights against all other religions the stronger those religions will become.

Time for Muslims to stand up, own their problem, reform Islam and stop preaching hate and intolerance.

Time for us to stop blame shifiting, portraying Muslims as victims, stop Muslim appeasement, undo the damage caused by Muslim appeasement, call for the reformation of Islam and hold Muslims accountable for their problem.

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Brain Bliss