Saturday, September 16, 2006

Australia - Imams told to correct false Koran use

I'm glad we're starting to hear more of this.

"We live in a world of global terrorism where vile acts are regularly being perpetrated in the name of your faith," Mr Robb told the two-day conference.

"Because it is your faith that is being invoked as justification for these evil acts, it is your problem.

Lord Stevens in Britain recently made similar remarks, wherein he told Muslims that it was a Muslim problem, they own it and they need to fix it.

But Australia, like Britain, has to learn who they're dealing with.

But conference keynote speaker Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra from the Muslim Council of Britain said Muslim leaders and the government had a shared responsibility to denounce terrorism.

The MCB is a terror supporting front group.

Mogra had this to say.

"I have been very, very disappointed ... when the acknowledgment is not there that we are condemning the violence. It's as if we are not being heard."

Well, Mogra, I haven't seen British Muslims in the streets, protesting by the tens of thousands against Muslim terrorism. The only time you see tens of thousands of Muslims protesting in the streets is when they feel they've somehow been wronged as in the Muhammad cartoons.

After the recent foiled plot by British Muslim terrorists to blow up commercial airliners, Muslim leaders met with the government and demanded Britain change its foreign policy and enact Islamic law. That's what we heard Mogra.

Sadly, there are still those in positions of power that are in denial.

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Brain Bliss