Sunday, September 24, 2006

The New York Times roasts the Left

Yes, that New York Times.

The Times reviews two books by Lewis H. Lapham and Sidney Blumenthal, harsh critics of Bush, that are being released just prior to the mid term elections. The Times destroys Lapham, going so far as to note the fabricated story he wrote about the Republican convention. If he made that up what else is he making up?

"He [Lapham] goes across the street and around the corner to confirm the worst stereotypes about liberals — that they’re condescending, twee, surpassingly smug." [I had to look "twee" up.]

Then there's this:

Possibly, but provide Lapham with a blond wig, stiletto pumps and a copy of “The Fountainhead,” and I suspect he wouldn’t look much different from Ann Coulter. He’s just another talk-radio host, really — only this time by way of Yale and Mensa.


The Times then takes aim at Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton hack.

He claims Bush had “plenty of information” to act on before Sept. 11, but fails to produce anything more specific than the findings of the 9/11 Commission. He suggests the tragedy of New Orleans might have been prevented if funds for a flood control project hadn’t been diverted to the Iraq war (as if dozens of other factors hadn’t conspired against the poor city).

Like the Democrat Govenor and Mayor's utter failure to follow their own evacuation plan.

Such is the disease that infects most of the left these days. They have no plan and only one message - be against Bush even if it is against America's best interest. The signs of this disease are easy to spot. The left will lie even though the truth is easy to prove. The left will support dictators and despots if they are bad mouthing Bush, even better if said despots are lying. If lying and supporting despots who are lying aren't good enough, the left will invent fantastic conspiracy theories, the most outlandish - Bush was behind 9/11. No, not that he was asleep at the switch, to some on the left Bush actually pulled the trigger.

Now, even the Times is forced to admit that some on the left are going so far over the top as to give the left a bad name. But just as the left needs to take a look in the mirror, the Times needs a long look too.

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Brain Bliss