Friday, September 22, 2006

UK - Is the left waking up to the dangers of Islam?

Let's hope so.

All the more shameful then, for the Guardian, the chief “organ” of British invertebrate liberalism, to editorialise, magisterially about Islamic-Christian relations (18-9-06). What needs to be done is to defend free speech, without weaseling equivocation! The Guardian? It argues, essentially, that the sensibilities and demands of political Islam should be pandered to. Theirs is liberalism rendered helplessly unprincipled, denuded both of historical perspective and historical memory. It is without even a spark of the will to defend the liberal values it professes to hold.

The “revolutionary” kitsch-left, of course, is even worse than the invertebrate liberals. It has made itself into the bigots-cheering advocate of the cause and the demands of Islamic clerical fascism. In Socialist Worker they have even rationalised for the clerical-fascist mass murder on the London tube. The Socialist Workers Party rushed out a “political” “explanation” of that deed, which rationalised “politically” for its perpetrators, with arguments which the homicide bombers themselves had neglected to supply!

It is to give to George W Bush and Tony Blair too much (negative) credence to conclude that because they talk of a clash of civilisations, there is no problem. Yes, there is! To blame Bush and Blair, as they should be blamed, for making things worse, though perfectly just, is beside the point. Political Islam exerts a relentless pressure, in part by way of its ability to intimidate and cow the invertebrate “liberals.” They demand that their religion, its prophet, its doctrine and its practices, should be above the criticism, mockery and contempt of non-Muslims. It is a demand that needs to be resisted and defied.

When both the “revolutionary” kitsch-left and the backbone-free liberals do what they are doing, then secularists, consistent liberals and socialists who haven't lost their wits or their historical perspective, should make their voices heard. In the first place that means the Labour movement, which is heir to all the battles by way of which the "common people", fighting over many centuries, won our liberties.

But will the moonbats in the swamp listen?

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Brain Bliss