Sunday, September 17, 2006

US - David Corn outed Plame

That's what it looks like to a lot of people. Bill Hobbs pointed out that it was David Corn who actually outed Plame - in 2003!

"It appears that Corn, a Lefty who writes for the very left-wing magazine The Nation, sliced and diced a paragraph from a Robert Novak column in order to manufacture the scandal. His article was the first to make the allegations that the Bush administration illegally outed Plame as a CIA undercover operative, in order to discredit her diplomat husband.

The core of the mini-scandal is the charge that "two senior administration officials" told Novak, a famous conservative political columnist and commentator, Valerie Plame's identity as an undercover CIA agent. But that is not what Novak wrote. You see, I'm not just a reader of the news, I'm a journalist with a very inquisitive mind - and an Internet connection. And I've got Google. So I did what those Lefty bloggers apparently didn't do before swallowing Corn's version hook, line and sinker. I Googled and found Novak's article. Here is what he wrote, verbatim and in its entirety, about Valerie Plame:

Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me his wife suggested sending Wilson to Niger to investigate the Italian report. The CIA says its counter-proliferation officials selected Wilson and asked his wife to contact him. "I will not answer any question about my wife," Wilson told me.

Novak did NOT say "senior administration officials" revealed her identity. Novak simply states her identity."

Now that Armitage has admitted it was he who leaked Plame's name, Corn has written a book about it trying to distract the public from the fact that it was Corn who started the whole affair in the first place. And now that Novack is free to speak, Corn is in a corner and calls them both a liar. Cliff May isn't buying it.

More here.

And let's not forget the media's role in all of this. The judge has already warned that Judith Miller's, of the New York Times, public statements may not jive with what she will testify to. Likewise, this:

And the filing mentions that TIME reporter Matt Cooper's notes "tend to impeach, rather than corroborate, the claim that Mr. Libby confirmed anything about Mr. Wilson's wife".

This entire non-scandal was manufactured and exploited by the left and left wing media. After being frustrated at being unable to steal the last election, using forged documents and CBS, the left were seething and would stop at nothing to get back at the Republicans - no matter the truth or who got hurt.

Just one of the many reasons to hate the left and do all you can to keep them out of power. If they can do this much damage out of power, imagine what they could do in power. Remember, the Clinton's used the IRS (Inland Revenue) to go after their opponents.

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Brain Bliss