Saturday, September 09, 2006

US - Plame case too complicated

for MSNBC's Chris Matthews.

After being cornered by a blogger and asked why after talking about the Plame case 27 times on his show, Matthews is suddenly silent now that Armitage has admitted he's the source for the leak, Matthews says the case is too complicated. Matthews indicated he would not be talking about the case anymore.

After the blogger posted about the conversation, Drudge picked up on the post. That spooked Matthews into talking about the story and in true leftist form, Matthews tries to spin it.

"Update 23:12. On Friday's edition of "Hardball," Matthews, prompted by this post being picked up by the Drudge Report, ended his boycott of the Plame story with a strange conspiracy theory: Armitage was set up to be a patsy by Bush White House staff because they "knew he was a blabbermouth."

Matthews posed his bizarre idea to Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff and Nation writer David Corn. Isikoff flatly denied it.

MATTHEWS: You guys broke the story that the real leaker in the CIA leak case was Richard Armitage. Michael?

ISIKOFF: Correct, and it's, you know, it was one of the ironies of the Plame investigation that the guy who was the primary source for Novak, who was the primary source, and it was the sole source for Bob Woodward, was a member of the administration's moderate cell who actually had misgivings about march to war--

MATTHEWS: Do you think he might have been used by the people like Scooter, they put it in front of him knowing he was a blabbermouth?


Video available at NRO.

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Brain Bliss