Friday, November 10, 2006

Canadian Muslim group rejects the niqab

This isn't just any old Muslim group, this is The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC).

It quoted sociologist Mohammad A Qadeer as saying, “Concealment of the face is neither religiously necessary nor socially desirable.” He asked Muslim communities to “reappraise this custom, before a scare about terrorists or a bank hold-up raises a public uproar against the niqab.” Also quoted was Dr Yousuf al-Qaradawi of Qatar who said, “It is not obligatory for Muslim women to wear the niqab. The majority of Muslim scholars and I do not support the niqab in which women cover their faces.

The niqab has nothing to do with religion and is a radical Islamic statement. You can't tell Britain that as the UK is too busy converting the country into an Islamic state.

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Brain Bliss