Thursday, June 03, 2004

Iraq war going better than media portrays

From The Herald News

Abu Ghraib is the new Tet offensive. By lying about the Tet offensive during the Vietnam War, the media managed to persuade Americans we were losing the war, which demoralized the nation and caused us to lose the war.


And yet, the constant drumbeat of failure, quagmire, Abu Ghraib, Bush-lied-kids-died has been so successful that merely to say the war in Iraq is going well provokes laughter. The distortions have become so pervasive that Michael Moore teeters on the brink of being considered a reliable source.


... We have liberated the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator who gassed his own people, had weapons of mass destruction, invaded his neighbors, harbored terrorists, funded terrorists and had reached out to Osama bin Laden.

Liberals may see Saddam's mass graves in Iraq as half-full, but I prefer to see them as half-empty. So far, we have found chemical and biological weapons — brucella and Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever, ricin, sarin, aflatoxin — and long-range missiles in Iraq.


The beauty of being a liberal is that history always begins this morning. Every day, liberals can create a new narrative that destroys the past as it occurred...

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Brain Bliss