Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Islam in American Universities

From FrontPage

Sullying the Ivory Towers

By Glen Feder | June 2, 2004

At the world famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T), a group called The New England Committee to Defend Palestine has been given rooms and auditorium halls to organize its protests and hold conferences for several years. An advertisement on their web site for their most recent protest on April 8th of this year states: “The Iraqi uprising against the Anglo-American Colonialist forces and their mercenary death squads (so called civilian contractors) is a natural reaction to the brutality and unjust nature of the occupation.” At an anti-Zionist conference that the NECDP held last year at M.I.T, the revisionist “historian” Lenni Brenner called Judaism “the mother of all segregationist ideologies.” Examples like these point to an alarming trend towards preaching hate in our nation’s college campuses, and a few professors and administrators at some of the most respected universities in the world, based in Boston, are turning a blind eye. In many cases, this is not out of an endorsement for a particular position. Quite the contrary- it is out of their faith in a theory which has been dominant in American Universities since the 1960’s: cultural relativism.


Diana L. Eck, a professor at the Harvard Divinity School and director of Harvard’s “Pluralism Project” also spoke at the “Islam in America” conference. She is the author of “A New Religious America,” which includes a chapter entitled “American Muslims” that opens with an account of the first Muslim prayer invocation in the U.S. House of Representatives, given by imam Siraj Wahaj. She writes of Wahaj: “The African-American imam of the Masjid Al-Taqwa in Brooklyn, New York, has built his reputation on a hard-hitting and warmhearted ethical message…His genial, winning smile can open the heart of even his most piercing critiques."

However, Siraj Wahaj, un-indicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing, is well known for his virulent and hate filled attacks on America.

There is lots more but as they say "it ain't pretty".

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