Thursday, June 10, 2004

King County Jihad

From FrontPage

Muslims in King County are celebrating. In A Call to Action – an email by members of Seattle’s Arab & Muslim Community - the authors write: “our pro-justice position is not a fringe voice held by only the most extreme liberals as some might have us believe, but rather, it is the voice of the majority.” Sadly, this assessment may be correct—at least among Seattle Democrats. According to the Islamic-American group CAIR, the Seattle’s Democratic Party Platform now officially states: “our tax dollars should not go to Israel while it violates international law.”

Greg Rodriguez – Chair of the King County Democratic Party – recently went on a Seattle radio talk show to express “embarrassment” over the one-sided suggestion of punitive action against Israel. But the fact remains: the anti-Israel stance qualified as a plank in the city’s Democratic platform. That means the position must not only have been given serious consideration, but that the world’s only Jewish state had to have been singled out.

Was equal consideration given to the condemnation of other recipients of US aid on similar grounds? For example, did the Seattle Democrats discuss withdrawing US aid to Russia since firebombing Chechyns in Grozny could arguably be in violation of international law? What about torture and imprisonment of pro-democracy activists in Egypt (another aid recipient)? What about the millions of US dollars in aid to a Palestinian leadership that is complicit in what, until recently, had been fortnightly suicide bombings of innocents in Israel? The hypocrisy seems pretty self-evident—the anti-Israel agenda, naked.

You remember The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) don't you? The terrorist linked CAIR, that is. Here are a few links about their terrorist links.

FrontPage, Daniel Pipes, Cori Dauber, World Net Daily.

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Brain Bliss