Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Manila to Withdraw from Iraq 'As Soon as Possible'

From Reuters

"In response to your request, the Philippines ... will withdraw its humanitarian forces as soon as possible," Seguis said according to al Jazeera's Arabic translation of his remarks.

Three things stand out here.

First, "in response to your request"? Who are you kidding? These guys have a knife at one of your countrymen's throat and threatening to separate his head from his body and not asking an unwelcome guest to please leave.

Second, by withdrawing your "humanitarian forces" you are telling the Iraqi people you will no longer help them in their hour of need.

Third, all of this is in a translation by Al Jazeera; which I would say is highly suspect. Maybe they translated it accurately and maybe they didn't.

I say that because this statement makes no sense.

Seguis appealed to the group to release their hostage, truck driver Angelo de la Cruz, and added: "We know that Islam is the religion of peace and mercy."

Er, right. "Peace and mercy". This is the same Islam that is threatening to cut this guys head off. The same "peace and mercy" terrorist group you have been fighting for a number of years.


Australia to Boost Troop Numbers in Iraq

High five, Australia!

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Brain Bliss