Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Britain - Dangerous Muslim Denial

Robin Cook for one.

In an interview with the BBC's World Tonight, Mr Cook criticized the president's comments, saying that instead of isolating the terrorists, he had upset Muslim societies around the world.

Would that be the Muslim societies like in Saudi Arabia where they persecute other religions, burn Bibles and deny women their rights and treat them like property? Or the Muslim societies where so called "honor murders", stoning of women and beheadings are a daily occurrence? Or the Muslim societies that preach hate towards the west?

These are precisely the Muslim societies that we should upset Cook.

Cook continues to show his dangerous ignorance.

"Everybody would fully sign up to the most vigorous police reaction to make sure that we do pursue those responsible for atrocities such as happened in London," Mr Cook said.

Those two highlighted words show just how ignorant of the situation Cook is.

First he is still in the pre 9/11 mindset, believing this to be a police matter. That's how Clinton saw it for 8 years while al-Qaeda grew and look what happened.

Second, notice he says "reaction". That's the ticket Robin, old boy. Just wait till attacked and then react vigorously.

Don't worry, Cook keeps opening his mouth to utter more nonsense.

"I think the problem with George Bush's approach is that he does keep talking about it as a war on terror as if there is a military solution and there isn't."

What Cook is arguing for is to not upset the Muslim world, to maintain the status quo as it were. While Bush is arguing for upsetting the Muslim world and not maintaining the status quo. Cooks approach is like Clinton's and, as I said, look where that got us. One has to wonder why Cook would want to maintain the status quo that allows so much suffering and breeds so much terror.

Well Robin, I think that the liberated people of Afghanistan and Iraq would disagree with you and agree with Bush. And so would the Lebanese who are now free from Syria.

Not only are British politicians in a pre 9/11 world, so are some in the media.

Veteran BBC gasbag John Simpson for one.

Now that the bombs have exploded, and thousands of newspaper pages and entire days of air time have been devoted to the horror of it all, and to the poor, decent people who are dead and missing, and to the misguided criminals responsible, perhaps we can stand back from it all and catch our breath.

"Misguided criminals"?!? Words fail me.

These murders didn't just merely break the law for monetary gain. These murders deliberately blew up hundreds of innocent men and women with the sole aim of sowing terror. They are part of a world wide Muslim terror network designed to convert the world to Islam.

Here is what Muslims are saying.

See here for defiant Muslims.

"We don't need to fight. We are taking over!" he said. "We are here to bring civilization to the West. England does not belong to the English people, it belongs to God."

Read the Eurabian Nation.

Groups like Al Muhajiroun ("the immigrants"), which celebrated 9-11 as "A Towering Day in History" and whose leader has ties to Osama bin Laden, operated freely post-9-11. Its spokesman, Anjem Choudry, has proclaimed: "One day the black flag of Islam will be flying over Downing Street."

All the while Britain remains in denial.

When Brian Paddick, the deputy commissioner, says that he would not link the words "Islamic" and "terrorism", you have to wonder from what planet he was beaming his message.

Here Paddick is echoing the words of none other than the leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, recently knighted Sir Iqbal Sacranie, who said:

'There is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist. This is deeply offensive.

We are constantly being told by these same politicians and journalists that these Muslim terrorists are poor, uneducated, as Simpson puts it, "misguided" people. I find it absolutely amazing how these people can deny the truth.

Here is the truth.

"Islamist terrorists who have targeted our cities, they tend to be well educated, specialists in medicine, engineering or computer science..."

And here is where Muslim recruiters find them.

AL-QAEDA is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out terrorist attacks in this country, leaked Whitehall documents reveal.

This is not a police matter targeting "misguided" criminals. Here is what they want.

The men who planted bombs on London's Tube and a bus to kill and maim did so because they see everything about the West as corrupt and evil. Killing the innocent was just part of their greater crusade.

They think they are fighting for the future of the entire world, for a universal Islamic state that will rule every human life. We must do all in our power to destroy them before they try again to destroy our way of life.

We can start be realizing that we are engaged in a world war against Islam whose sole goal is to impose and Islamic state on the world and they will use any means, including nuclear, to achieve their goal.

Stop treating this as a police matter, stop appeasing Muslims and stop being afraid to upset them. Islam is their religion and it is Islam that is casuing all the terror. Muslims must take responsibility for reforming their religion and putting a stop to its barbaric teachings.

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Brain Bliss