Wednesday, August 03, 2005

America - The Left: We are not at war

Michael Totten gives the leftist in denial, Professor Juan Cole, President of the Middle East Studies Association, a photo fisking to prove how dumb Cole's argument is.

How can anyone view these photographs and not realize that we are at war? A crazy leftist Professor named Juan Cole, that's who. Listen to this gibberish.

I take it this is because they have finally realized that if they are fighting a war on terror, the enemy is four guys in a gymn (sic) in Leeds. It isn't going to take very long for people to realize that a) you don't actually need to pay the Pentagon $400 billion a year if that is the problem and b) whoever is in charge of such a war isn't actually doing a very good job at stopping the bombs from going off.

Well Professor, if we are not at war, who is setting off those bombs around the world that we are doing such a poor job of stopping?

How do these people look themselves in the mirror each day?

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Brain Bliss