Thursday, July 06, 2006

UK - London Mayor: 7/7 terrorists "criminals"

There are many reasons London is less safe one year on from the British Muslim terror attacks, London's mad mayor, Red Ken Livingstone and the BBC are but two of them. From courting terrorists to promoting Islamists views, Ken's their man and the BBC's the megaphone.

The BBC's John Simpson calls al Qaeda the "resistence" and the 7/7 Muslim terrorists "misguided criminals. Likewise, Red Ken would have you believe that the British Muslim terrorists who murdered over 50 innocent Britons were merely criminals.

Not once does he mention the word Muslim. Not once does he mention the word terror or terrorism. Here's what he has to say:

Those who attacked us wanted instead a society in which people dictate to others how they should live. In which communities live in fear and loathing.

In which the wonderful relaxed atmosphere of London is replaced by bigotry and hate.

They sought to change the entire character of our city. Such people did not represent the principles of any of the great religions on Earth.

They were criminals with the same mentality as the nail-bomber David Copeland, or the white supremacist Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh.

The British Muslim terrorists were nothing of the sort. They wanted nothing less than to make Britain an Islamic state - by force if need be.

Notice he says nothing of the failed 21/7 British Muslim attacks or the 3 that have been prevented after that. Nor does he mention the 70 ongoing terror investigations, 1,200 terror suspects and over 8,000 al Qaeda sympathisers here in the UK. He fails to mention that 40% of British Muslims want Islamic law to be the law of the land.

Britain is at war and London's mayor is living in a fantasy world.

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Brain Bliss