Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Islam - Why the recent al Qaeda tapes now?

I've been wondering why we've had the latest spate of al Qaeda videos, including one of bin Laden meeting the 9/11 terrorists.

I think it all began last year when the BBC claimed al Qaeda didn't exist. That must have pissed bin Laden off. I mean bin Laden was ok with his friends at the BBC blaming Bush for scaremongering the public, but claiming his terror group didn't exist, well that's too much for a world terrorist.

Then came the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who maintain Bush was behind 9/11. Now, even prominent Muslims are saying the same thing.

That's got to hurt the world's number one terrorist's ego.

Things have gotten so out of hand that even some Imams claim bin Laden himself doesn't exist.

The leader of Muslim imams in Norway said Monday that many Muslims feel they've been under collective suspicion since September 11, 2001. He also questioned whether Osama bin Laden actually exists.

With his popularity in the Muslim world at an all time low, doubts cast on his abilities to carry out attacks against the Great Satan and now Muslims casting doubts as to whether he even exists or not, is it any wonder bin Laden feels the need to put out some videos to disprove all this? What does a world terrorist have to do to prove his bona fides?

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