Saturday, September 02, 2006

UK - BBC white washing al Qaeda

I just posted about a BBC report on a terrorists roundup. In that post I noted Peter Taylor's upcoming BBC program "Al-Qaeda: Time to talk?". A program Taylor made after a year of studying al Qaeda and came to the conclusion that it's time to talk to them. Which, if the subject wasn't so deadly, would be funny. Why? Because the BBC made another program, "The Power of Nightmares" where they claim al Qaeda doesn't exist and that al Qaeda was invented by necons in Washington to frighten us into following their policies. Now all of a sudden the BBC claim al Qaeda does exist and we need to talk to them. What more proof do you need that the BBC is hopeless screwed up?

Peter Taylor continues his white wash of al Qaeda in this BBC report. He starts his report but making it clear in no uncertain terms, that the radicalization of youn Muslims in Europe is America's fault.

Europe has become a hunting ground for al-Qaeda recruits. Largely disillusioned with US foreign policy, several young Muslims are making the journey east, some to become suicide bombers.

But later in his report he proves that that is not the case at all. Taylor relates how one young Muslim, Peter, was an average, law abiding citizen, living in a well integrated part of France with his girlfriend who was half Christian and half Jewish. But things changed and he became radicalized. Did Peter suddenly start studying US foreign policy at University or take a correspondence course on the subject? Did he join some political society devoted to the study of US foreign policy? Here's what Taylor reports.

The mosque in question was a makeshift adjunct to a hostel for North Africans in Buttes Chaumont.

The self-proclaimed imam there was a charismatic 22-year-old French Algerian called Farid Benyettou who, despite being barely out of his teens, exercised a powerful influence over many of the local young Muslims.

Three of his acolytes went to Iraq and died while carrying out suicide missions.

The mosque. There is no doubt that Muslims are using US foreign policy as one means of recruiting terrorists. Equally, there's no doubt that these young Muslims are bombarded with all manner of propaganda to sway them. I've asked this question before, why is it that Muslims are so easily persuaded to convert to terrorism? Is it a defective gene or something? No. The koran preaches hate against us infidels. Everyday at home, in school and in the mosque Muslims are taught that Chirstians and Jews are pigs and apes. Here's a long list of videos of Muslims preaching hate. Is it any wonder young Muslims are so easy to recruit to terrorism.

Remember how Taylor started his article claiming US foreign policy was to blame for Peter's radicalization? Listen to what Taylor now says.

Barbara knew little about Benyettou except he was gradually taking Peter away from her.

Soon Peter swapped his cool street gear for Islamic dress.

Going to the cinema and restaurants, which they had always enjoyed doing, was out.

So was sex.

"What bothered him was that we had an intimate relationship out of wedlock," she said. "So I said if that's the only thing that's bothering you, we could stop."

But for Peter that was not enough.

Soon, touching each other, kissing and holding hands was ruled out.

All of those are Islamic teachings and have nothing to do with US foreign policy but somehow this escapes our intrepid BBC reporter.

After being completely brainwashed, Peter breaks off the relationship and goes to...

In May 2004, Peter said he was going to Syria for a few months to have a holiday, learn Arabic and study Islam in greater depth.

Taylor doesn't bat an eye and question this at all! It's as if he really believed Peter; despite all the signs that Peter is now radicalized. After relating Peter's journey from Syria to Iraq, Taylor goes on to refute his own argument that US foreign policy is to blame.

I asked how she felt about those who had led Peter down the road to Jihad.

"I'm furious. They took advantage of him. His youth was wasted, his life was wasted and my life and his mum's life were wasted.

Here again, no one seems to ask the obvious, why is it Muslims are so easily led "down the road to jihad"? Because they have been conditioned from birth.

Next the BBC find a "go to" person that agrees with their left wing agenda.

One person who does agree with General Ali Shukri is the Harvard academic, Professor Mohamed Mohamedou.

"At some point we should create a space for a cogent, rational discourse that thinks outside of this box. Responsible leadership calls for a more nuanced understanding," he told me.

That was the professor speaking and not John Kerry. Here's a bit about the good professon in a debate where he states Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

Motion: A democratically elected Hamas is still a terrorist organization


Mohamed Mohamedou is Associate Director of the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research. Previously, he served as Director of Research at the International Council on Human Rights in Geneva, where he helped found and direct the research and policy program. He is the author of several books and essays on human rights, civil society and conflict.

Going to human rights "experts" to back up their claims is a stalwart of BBC reporting. Next up, anti-war and anti-Israel ex CIA analyst, Mike Scheuer. Taylor wants to hammer home his left wing take that US foreign policy is the root of all evil, despite having proven the opposite in his study of Peter.

Taylor then drops the other shoe and states a blatant falsehood.

His [bin Laden's] statements are not about any Caliphate, a pan-Muslim state which is rarely mentioned, but about US support for Israel, its backing for "apostate" Arab regimes in the Middle East and the presence of US troops in Muslim lands.

In fact, bin Laden has stated explicitly that he wants "all Muslim lands" returned and specifically mentions Spain. Just Google bin Laden+caliphate and you'll find hundreds of links to his call for a world caliphate ruled by Muslims.

Just so you are in no doubt about the BBC's anti war stance and support for al Qaeda, Taylor ends with this.

In a year's investigation, I found the tragedy of Barbara and Peter replicated across Britain, Europe and the Middle East.

I was left in no doubt from all those I spoke to that Iraq above all else was the motivating factor behind the radicalisation and recruitment of young Muslims, and that the US-led invasion has gifted Osama bin Laden with a Jihad he could only dream of.

Perhaps Taylor would care to explain to the public, what was behind all these Muslim terror attacks going back to 1968?

No mention from Taylor of Islam's intolerance to all other religions, their persecution of gays, women and abuse of freedom of speech.

The real tragedy here is that Taylor and the BBC are allowed to spew this nonsense and we have to pay for it. To Taylor and the BBC, just like most on the left, Muslims are victims and it's our fault. As Lord Stevens put it, this is a Muslim problem, they own it and they need to fix it.

We need an end to the BBC.

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Brain Bliss