Wednesday, July 07, 2004

US 'secretly' removed Iraqi uranium

From The BBC

More WMD materials found.

The US has revealed that it removed more than 1.7 metric tons of radioactive material [enriched uranium] from Iraq in a secret operation last month.

"This operation was a major achievement," said US Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham in a statement.

He said it would keep "potentially dangerous nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists".

Along with 1.77 tons of enriched uranium, about 1,000 "highly radioactive sources" were also removed.



Anonymous said...

Er..that well known anti-war activist Tony Blair admitted yesterday that WMDs may never be found. Suggesting that they haven't yet been found???

TryingTimes said...

Your sleight of hand with this article is maliciously deceitful.

Nowhere does any independent source state that the material that was removed was WMD or WMD-related.

Stop spinning and stick to the truth.

"Potentially dangerous nuclear materials" in this instance means amongst other things hospital and industrial waste.

Brain Bliss