Fox News reports some Muslims in America are upset by Fox's television show "24".
Bekhiet, an engineer with the state Department of Transportation, is worried that the fictional Araz family is the image most of America have of Muslims.
"It seems like on television, everybody has their turn as the bad guys: It happened to the Italians, the Russians. Now it's our turn," he said.
Actually, Fox is doing what Hollywood won't do - portray terrorists as Muslims.
Debbie Schlussel writes:
I’ve written about Hollywood’s worship at the politically correct alter of radical Islam. Despite the reality that all contemporary terrorists are Muslim, Hollywood operates in another universe where all terrorists are Hispanic drug-dealers and neo-Nazis – anybody but Muslims. Because, as we all know, Hispanic drug-dealers and neo-Nazis blew up New York buildings, hijacked planes, murdered their New Jersey Coptic neighbors, and beheaded Americans in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan.
So who is behind the complaints?
In January, a nationwide Muslim civil rights group, the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (search) met with Fox executives to complain about the show. A compromise was reached in which the network agreed to distribute CAIR's public service announcements to local affiliates. And last month, Sutherland himself appeared in a commercial during the broadcast urging viewers to realize that the show's villains are not representative of Muslims.
CAIR itself has a long association with terrorists.
CAIR campaigned for these spots to be aired; insisting "24" was portraying ordinary American Muslims as terrorists. CAIR ignores the fact that such people exist, even within CAIR itself.
Since 9-11, CAIR has seen three of its former employees indicted on federal terrorism charges. CAIR has a long history of ties to terrorism. See here and here.
Mr. Bekhiet, it's hard to have sympathy for you when faced with things like "Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques". And are bin Laden and Zarqawi's continued calls for attacks on the US from within a figment of Hollywood's imagination?
In countries around the world, both Muslim and non-Muslim, Muslims preach hate and call for jihad against America.
No, Mr. Bekhiet, if anything Hollywood and the media are doing too little and shielding Muslims from criticism. As I posted earlier:
How bad are things? Well, CBS News Senior Foreign Correspondent Tom Fenton says, "We know we could have saved thousands of lives if we had done more to bring the public's attention to the threat of an Al-Qaeda attack in the years before 9/11. What we must ask now is why did we fail?"
Because you listened to people like Mr. Bekhiet and CAIR.
So, what happens when one of Hollywoods own makes a movie critical of Islam? He gets murdered. At Hollywoods recent Oscar awards not one word was said about the silencing of dissent from the liberal left. More protection for Islam.
Fox is the only media outlet standing up to Muslims, the media and Hollywood elites. Which is why their ratings are soaring while the others, including print media, are in meltdown.
Finally, the truth is being told.
Monday, March 14, 2005
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