Monday, August 30, 2004

Edwards Says Kerry Plans to Confront Iran on Weapons

Well, I for one can't wait to see what Kerry's plan is.

From The Washington Post

A John F. Kerry administration would propose to Iran that the Islamic state be allowed to keep its nuclear power plants in exchange for giving up the right to retain the nuclear fuel that could be used for bomb-making, Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards said in an interview yesterday.

Edwards said that if Iran failed to take what he called a "great bargain," it would essentially confirm that it is building nuclear weapons under the cover of a supposedly peaceful nuclear power initiative. He said that, if elected, Kerry would ensure that European allies were prepared to join the United States in levying heavy sanctions if Iran rejected the proposal. "If we are engaging with Iranians in an effort to reach this great bargain and if in fact this is a bluff that they are trying to develop nuclear weapons capability, then we know that our European friends will stand with us," Edwards said.

Well, that certainly is "confronting them", isn't it?

"Kerry would ensure that European allies..." And just how is Kerry going to "ensure" our European allies will do anything Kerry wants?

"levying heavy sanctions..." That ought to scare them alright.

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Brain Bliss