Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Iran - More Protests

The students are getting restless.

Iranian presidential candidate, Dr. Moein, faced a barrage of protests by students in Isfahan university yesterday. At the beginning of the proceedings, the Islamic Republic anthem was played, but the students instead of singing the official state anthem, stood up and sang the alternative nationalist “Ey Iran” anthem.

Many of the students held placards saying “Referendum Yes, Elections No” which referred to the futility of pre-selected elections in Islamic Republic and what the people of Iran really want, a referendum for the drafting of a new constitution that is compatible with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all its associated covenants.

Other placards, displayed slogans such as “Reform Died”, “Bread, Freedom, Equality”.

The proceedings ended without a single display of support for Dr. Moein’s candidacy.


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Brain Bliss