Saturday, March 05, 2005

Syria - From The Inside

Chrenkoff posts about a Syrian blogger.

Be sure to read Amarji - A Heretic's Blog daily to get a sense of how ordinary Syrians are feeling as democracy breaks out all around them.

The attitude of our taxi drivers is the measuring stick I usually use in this regard. Several taxi-drivers I encountered in the last few days have already expressed extreme annoyance with the government regarding espousing causes that are "bigger than we are," including our "support" throughout the years for the Palestinians and Lebanese, and now the Iraqis. "Where did all this get us?" The brave drivers wondered. Corruption is rampant, prices of basic goods are soaring, unemployment is widespread, the educational systems are imploding, and we are hated by just about everybody, in the region and abroad. Still, "would you join an anti-government demonstration?" I asked. But "this is not Lebanon,” I was reminded, the assholes over here are willing to destroy every house in every city rather than give up power.

Pay him a visit and let him know he and all Syrians have the worlds support as they struggle for their democracy.

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Brain Bliss