Saturday, February 04, 2006

UK - "Liberalism go to hell"

That's what Muslims marching in London say.

Note also the "freedom of expression go to hell" sign.

Now, lefties what do you have to say in response?

Notice the young boy with the Europe: remember 9/11. He would have been what, about 5 or 6 at the time? This is how they raise their young, to hate the west and its freedoms, the very freedoms that guarantee their right to protest.

How ironic, the man holding the sign saying "freedom of expression go to hell" is doing just that - enjoying freedom of expression.

A freedom that was won in hard fought wars. Muslims now want to take away that right.

Then, as now, freedom will prevail.

Remember, buy danish! Help support free speech.

In the UK buy Arla foods.

Also, here's a petition in support of the the Jyllands-Posten.

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Brain Bliss